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Safety Meeting March 2025 District Safety Team Update - March 25, 2025

The Minford Local School District's District Safety Team met on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. This team, composed of teachers, support staff, administration, and our School Resource Officer, meets at least once per semester to learn about various safety-related topics and initiatives. At our March meeting, the following activities were completed: 

  • Reviewed current initiatives, equipment, and protocols currently being used in the district to keep our students and staff safe
  • Planned and held unannounced safety drills in all buildings of the district 
  • Discussed professional development needs and opportunities related to school safety for the staff of the district 
  • Planned the work of the team for the 2025-2026 school year
  • Learned about a new Panic Alert System that will be added to the district before the start of the 2025-2026 school year
  • Completed Building-Level Safety Audits
  • Met as Building Safety Teams to plan upcoming safety drills, review building protocols, and plan for training and reminders related to safety for students and staff 
We are extremely proud of the work of this dedicated team, and for their work to keep our students and staff members safe at school. We'd like to give a huge shout-out to the safety team members: 

High School - Marcy Stapleton, Robin Malone, Rachael Stapleton, Kaitlyn Marasek, Jeff Pica, Brent Daniels, Chuck Miller, and Jesse Ruby

Middle School - Dennis Evans, Aaron Fenton, Josh Matiz, Jim Mahlmeister, Keith Wiehle, Melissa Bennett, and Mark Shonkwiler

Elementary - Leah Compan, Josh Morris, Ashley Porter, Hadyn Carmichael, and Bob Ashley

District - Officer Jason Diddle, SRO & Jeremy Litteral, Superintendent

Click READ MORE for an enlarged photo of the Safety Team.
Regional Science Day Results
Congratulations to the 2025 OAS Regional Science Day winners:

Addylynn Llewellyn, MMS - Rated Excellent, BeWiser Scholarship Winner

Drew DeGonzague - MMS - Rated Excellent

Tate Johnson - MHS - Ohio Soybean Bioscience Award & Scioto Soil and Water Conservation District Award
OSBA 2025 State Legislative Conference – Advocacy for Fair School Funding
Recently Claudia Zaler, District Treasurer/CFO, attended the OSBA 2025 State Legislative Conference and had the opportunity to meet with State Representatives Jason Stephens, former Speaker of the House, and Phillip M. Robinson, Jr., House District 19. Our discussions focused on the current Governor’s budget proposal, House Bill (HB) 96, and the urgent need to continue phasing in the Fair School Funding Plan while updating base cost inputs to ensure a more balanced State and Local share.

Without these updates, projections indicate that by Fiscal Year 2027, the State share of education funding could drop below 32% statewide, placing an increasing financial burden on local districts. In addition to advocating for these necessary funding updates, she also raised concerns about the Governor’s current budget proposal, which allocates double-digit funding increases to private school vouchers (EdChoice Vouchers) while 87% of public school districts—representing 90% of Ohio’s students—face a decrease in state funding.

Recently, District State Representative Justin Pizzulli visited our schools to tour the buildings and hear firsthand about the great things happening in Minford and public education. His visit reinforced the importance of fair and sustainable funding to ensure continued success for our students.

We strongly encourage community members to reach out to our State Legislators, Representative Justin Pizzulli and Senator Terry Johnson, and urge them to support the continued phase-in of the Fair School Funding Plan and necessary funding updates. Your voice is essential in ensuring our schools receive the resources they need to thrive.

Thank you for your continued support in advocating for equitable school funding. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to discuss these issues further.
Important Bus Route Updates Due to Road Closures
April 1st – State Route 335 Closure
State Route 335 will be closed for a full Rocky Fork Bridge replacement. The duration of the closure is currently unknown.

- Students living between the 4-way intersection in Muletown and the Rocky Fork Bridge must meet Bus #17 at Bennett’s Collision (across from Muletown Mini Mart).
- This applies to both morning and afternoon routes.
- Please park on the right (facing Bennett’s toward the Amish stand) to allow space for the bus to turn around.

April 8th – State Route 139 Closure (Approx. 15 Days)
State Route 139 will be closed near the Clarktown Fire Station for approximately 15 days.

- Local detours will be directed around Wilson Street.
- No Out-of-District pick-up or drop-off at Clarktown Pizza until the road reopens.

Since buses will have a longer route to navigate around the closures, expect some delays as we work out the timing of the changes. We appreciate your cooperation and patience. If you have any questions, please contact the transportation office.
April Board Meeting Date Change

The April 2025 Regular Board of Education Meeting has been moved to Monday, April 7, 2025. The meeting will be held in the High School Media Center at 6:00p.m. 

The board's Finance Committee will meet at 5:30p.m. that evening in the High School Tiered Room. 
Preschool Registration for 2025 - 2026
Preschool Registration will be held on April 3.  The registration hours are 3:30p to 5p and 5:30p to 7p.

Click READ MORE for details.
Help Support Miss Minford!
Our Miss Minford is having a purse bingo on April 6th! Get your tickets asap!  Click READ MORE.

Also, we are looking for door prizes, small baskets for the chance auction and large themed baskets for the silent auction. I

f you would like to donate a door prize or a themed basket from you, your grade level, or your side business, please let me know!

We appreciate all the support that our community continually gives to our River Days  contestant!
2025 - 2026 School Year Calendar
Click here for a printable copy of the calendar for the upcoming 2025 - 2026 school year.
School Vaccine Clinic - Current 6th and 11th Grades
The Scioto County Health Department will vaccinate current 6th and 11th graders at Minford High School and Minford Middle School on Tuesday, May 13, 2025, starting at 9 a.m.

Click here for details.
School Immunization Clinic - May 13, 2025 (during school hours)

Email complete, signed forms and a copy of insurance card to: [email protected]; fax to 740.820.2466; or screenshot to 740.979.9826

The parent/guardian does not have to be present and your child will not miss school or go during their summer break to receive their immunization(s).  An updated immunization record will be mailed to you.  Turn in forms and required information as soon as possible and take advantage of this convenient clinic.

Falcon Fortune Tickets on Sale!
2025 Falcon Fortune Tickets

The Football Program is selling Falcon Fortune tickets. This is a great opportunity to support all of our student-athletes. 
Tickets are $125 ($10 for split the Pot)

Each ticket includes dinner for two. 

Contact Jordan Michael to purchase tickets.

Minford Local School District Preschool Survey for 2025 - 2026
Click the link below to fill out and submit the survey about Preschool for the 2025 - 2026 school year:

"Falcons Fly to Success" Alumni Showcase
The Minford Local Schools Marketing Committee would like to showcase the many successful alumni of Minford High School.  Over the summer, graduates submitted their information to be part of a slideshow that showcases their graduation year and career path/accomplishments.  Join us in celebrating our alumni who have "Soared to Success" since leaving MHS! 

*The committee will solicit additional alumni to be part of the slideshow later this year.  Keep an eye on social media and the district website for more information on how to add your information to our list. 

Click here to see our successful graduates!

2024 - 2025 School Year Calendar
Click this link to view the school calendar for 2024 - 2025.  The second page of the calendar displays a breakdown of events for the year.
School Communication System
We are excited to announce that we will be switching to Remind to send out all school and district communications in the near future.  This will replace the old system of dialing and sending automated calls.  This is mostly a Text Message only system, except for Emergency calls, it can call landline phones with an audio call.  We have many of our parents' cell phone numbers in our system, but not all.  We will be sending out test messages in the next few days.  If you did not receive the message, then we do not have your cell phone number as a primary number in our system.  You can visit our Remind portal to manually sign up for messages from a specific building or contact your school's office to update them with your latest cell phone number.  Here is the link to the Falcon Remind Portal
Superintendent's Office: 740-820-3896
Superintendent's Fax:  740-820-3334
HS Principal:  740-820-3445
MS Principal:  740-820-2181
ES Principal:  740-820-2287

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Minford Local Schools
491 Bond Rd.  |  Minford, OH 45653  |  P: 740-820-3020  |  F: 740-820-3334
© 2025. Minford Local Schools. Education Software created by eSchoolView
Home of the Mighty Minford Falcons!